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"the dream kept urging me on to do what I was doing - to make music - since philosophy, in my view, is the greatest music and that's just what I was doing." Socrates in Phaedo

Writer, Researcher, Educator, Digital Humanities Developer,

Musician, Composer

Jack headshot.jpg

Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Consciousness, and Cosmology at The California Institute of Integral Studies.

Conducting research on the history of philosophy, focusing on problems related to consciousness, nature, and music. I specialize in ancient Greek philosophy and Phenomenology, especially Henri Bergson. Strong research interests in Baruch Spinoza, 19th-20th Century European Philosophy, Process Philosophy, Philosophy of Science, and Aesthetics.

One of my favorite ways of thinking about complex concepts or solving problems is to construct diagrams and concept maps. Between 2016-2018 I combined my love of visualizing with my love of Spinoza and created a website that maps the "geometrical order" he used in his famous, even infamous, posthumous magnum opus, the Ethics.

Recent Interviews:

Bergson Image On Acid Horizon


The Philosophy of Music and the Attunement of the Soul


Recent Publications:

Ancient Greek ideas of attunement can breathe new life into music  Psyche

Aristotle on Intensity: physis, psyche, and energeia Epoché

Bergson and the Metaphysical Implications of Calculus Process Studies

Invention in Bergson's Integral Empiricism Process Studies

My recent article on metaphor and analogy in Aristotle's psychology and aesthetics. I provide a phenomenological and process reading of Aristotle's famous pet term ENERGEIA by showing its overlapping meaning with enarges, meaning vividness

My Dissertation on Aristotle's influence on Bergson and the larger impact of Aristotle on French spiritualism

Curriculum Vita:


2021  PhD, Philosophy, Boston College.

2016  MA, Philosophy, Boston College.

2013  BA, Philosophy, Minor in Ancient Greek, Pennsylvania State University.



Journal Articles:

2024 Ancient Greek ideas of attunement can breathe new life into music  Psyche


2024. Invention in Bergson's Integral Empiricism  Process Studies (forthcoming)


2024. Aristotle on Intensity: physis, energeia, psyche  Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy

2024. Bergson and the Metaphysical Implications of Calculus  Process Studies (forthcoming)

2023. The Nature of Music in Peripatetic Phenomenological Musicology  Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy

2022. Analogy and Metaphor in Aristotle’s “Pros Hen” Understanding of Psychical Activity

 Timeliness of Analogy

2021. Aristotle and Aristoxenus on Effort Conatus Journal of Philosophy.

2021. Mapping Spinoza’s Ethics Italian Journal of Philosophical Investigation and New Practices of Knowledge.

2020. ‘Reconstructing Bergson’s Critique of Intensive MagnitudeJournal of the British Society for Phenomenology.


2024. The History of The Idea of Time: Lectures at the Collège de France 1902-3, Henri Bergson. Bloomsbury Press.

2023. Lectures on Psychology at Henri-IV 1893-4. Henri Bergson

2023. Lectures on Plotinus at ENS 1898-9. Henri Bergson


2021. Interpreting Bergson: rubbing up against the grain of our intellectual habits’ Metascience.

Upcoming Courses: 

​Phenomenology of Music (2025)

Resent Courses:            


Merleau-Ponty's Philosophy of Nature (2022)

Philosophy of Music and the Attunement of the Soul (2023)

The Metaphysics of Integral Ecology (2023)

Philosophy of Infinity (2023)

History of Western World Views (2023-4)

Intuition in Bergson, Deleuze, and Sri Aurobindo (2024)

Aesthetics and the Study of Consciousness (2024)

Intro to Phenomenology (2024)

Henri Bergson (2024)


ATIG Technology Grant [$8000] Completed 2018

A digital scholarship tool mapping Spinoza’s Ethics

Boston College’s Academic Technology Advisory Board

The Exploratory Technology Grant [$1500] Completed 2015

Mapping Spinoza’s Ethics

Boston College’s Academic Technology Advisory Board

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